- info@conpromed.es
- Calle Isaac Peral nº 11, 3º, 02001 Albacete
- (+34) 967 595 300
The Urban Waste Treatment Center of Albacete (hereinafter CTRU de Albacete), owned by the PROVINCIAL CONSORTIUM FOR THE ENVIRONMENT OF ALBACETE, is currently being managed and operated by the company PREZERO, S.A. through the Concession Contract for the management and operation of the Urban Waste Treatment Center of Albacete, since April 1, 2021.
The facilities of the CTRU of Albacete, located on the Cañada Real del Villar de Pozo Rubio (Ctra. CM-332 km 5) in Albacete, consist of a set of warehouses where the process of treating urban waste is carried out, as well as the treatment of waste from the selective collection of packaging (EELL) and organic matter, within the municipalities of the Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete and Management Areas No. 1 and No. 2, as well as 23 municipalities in the southern province of Cuenca.
It has:
The operations carried out in the CT are aimed at recovering the maximum amount of recyclable fractions from waste and properly disposing of everything that could not be recovered.
In the CT, lightweight packaging from the yellow container and waste from the organic and general waste container are received.
The packaging is separated and classified into different types, then compacted and packaged for subsequent transport to recycling plants.
Separated organic waste undergoes an aerobic composting process for transformation into compost.
The unrecoverable fraction is disposed of by depositing it in the controlled landfill.
The CTRU in Albacete provides services to the AGES 1-2 ‘Albacete and Cuenca Sur.’ It serves 108 municipalities: 87 in the province of Albacete and 21 municipalities in the southern part of the province of Cuenca.
The CTRU consists of a sorting plant, an outdoor bio-stabilization plant, and a reject landfill.
The sorting line is automated and processes both the ‘rest’ fraction and lightweight packaging from selective collection alternately.
The CTRU includes:
Transfer stations are facilities where the collected waste from a UNION is grouped and adapted, and it is prepared for transport to the CTRU of each AGES through compaction.
A transfer station is essentially composed of two platforms at different levels and a series of ramps connecting them.
The upper platform houses the unloading area for collection vehicles, while the lower platform accommodates the area for semi-trailers with a mobile floor.
The waste is unloaded into 2 or 3 hoppers (depending on the station), each with a capacity of about 30 m3.
Its lower part fits into the loading mouth of the semi-trailer, equipped with rubber skirts to prevent spills.
The transfer station also includes a control area consisting of the weighing scale and the control booth, and it is equipped with all the necessary services for its proper functioning.
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En este Centro son tratados los RU procedentes del Área de Gestión 1 (AGES 1) que comprende Albacete capital, norte de la provincia y parte de la zona sur de la provincia de Cuenca, en total 59 municipios y 283.000 habitantes y tiene una capacidad de 107.000 Tm/año (270 Tm/día del contenedor del resto y materia orgánica, y 15 Tm/día del contenedor amarillo de envases).
“If I recycle and you recycle, they will recycle.”
The Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete informs you that your data will be processed by the association as the data controller for the purpose of addressing your inquiries. The legitimacy of this processing is based on your consent. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction, and portability by contacting us at gdpr@conpromed.es. You can also consult the Privacy Policy for information about the processing of personal data.