Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete
The Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete is an entity created to manage and coordinate activities related to the environment in the province of Albacete.
The Provincial Consortium for the Environment is a collaborative structure involving various entities, such as municipalities and the Provincial Council, with the goal of promoting environmental policies and projects jointly.
The consortium is responsible for various functions, including waste management and treatment, the protection and conservation of the natural environment, the promotion of environmental education, the management of protected natural areas, and the adoption of measures to improve environmental quality. It aims to protect and conserve natural resources and enhance the quality of life for residents.

Who are we?
We work to make your community healthier
he Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete is composed of the 87 municipalities in the province of Albacete, a Local Entity (Aguas Nuevas), and the Provincial Council of Albacete.
Its governing body is called the General Assembly, in which the municipalities and the Provincial Council of Albacete are represented. Its functioning is regulated by statutes that define various aspects of its operation.
Over time, the CPMAA (Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete) has adapted to the different needs expressed by the municipalities. The current functions it performs include:

of Urban Waste
De acuerdo a la Jerarquía de residuos: Prevención, preparación para la reutilización, reciclado, valorización energética y eliminación, promoviendo la reducción las emisiones de gases contaminantes y de efecto invernadero y el ahorro energético, de acuerdo con las directrices de los planes regionales de gestión de residuos, y normativas autonómicas, estatales o europeas en vigor.
Fight against climate change
Promoting new initiatives against climate change, encouraging the production and self-consumption of renewable energies, and saving energy costs through entities like energy communities or other existing structures. Advancing towards a circular, low-carbon, and renewable economy, resulting in the improvement of the environment and the quality of life, well-being, and health of the residents in the province of Albacete.
Management and activation of programs
Managing existing programs to achieve these goals, as well as creating new ones that are incorporated by the General Assembly, ensuring their operation and financing.
Create, preserve, and maintain the necessary infrastructures for the development of programs or actions.
of services
Ensure the quality of services provided to citizens in this field, as well as their participation and transparency.
Promote, finance, and manage programs for ‘Education for Sustainable Development‘ aimed at the various groups that make up the social fabric and the general population of the province.
Make available to the associated municipalities all human, technical, and material resources of the Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete (CPMAA) in order to provide advisory services on all aspects mentioned above.

An overview of our trajectory
The Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete is the public entity responsible for the proper and integrated management of urban waste generated in the province of Albacete, in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Waste Management Plan of Castilla-La Mancha.
To achieve this, the 87 municipalities that make it up carry out cooperative projects and structured programs that not only raise awareness in society about the importance of the environment but also contribute to preserving the present and future of nature.
It was established in the year 2001, under the provisions of Law 7/1985, on Local Government Bases (LBRL), and Royal Legislative Decree 781/1986 approving the Consolidated Text of the Legal Provisions in force regarding Local Government (TRRL), as well as the Regulation of Local Government Services approved by Decree of June 17, 1955 (RSCL). Article 25 of the RSCL addresses the collection and treatment of waste as a local competence.
Every decision at your service.

A joint work
The Excma. Provincial Council of Albacete and its Municipalities that are listed in ANNEX I, constitute a CONSORTIUM, called “Provincial Environment Consortium of Albacete (CPMAA)”, which will carry out the management of activities for the promotion, provision or common management of public services and that are defined in the statutes that are at your disposal in the following button.
A team for your community
The Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete has an organizational structure that involves different entities and stakeholders.

President and
Vice President
Santiago Cabañero Masip is the President of the Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete, and José Antonio Gómez Moreno is the Vice President.

General Assembly
It is the highest governing body and decision-making authority of the Consortium. It is composed of representatives from the Provincial Council of Albacete and the member municipalities. The General Assembly is responsible for approving the budget, establishing action plans, and appointing the President and Vice President of the Consortium.

Organization chart
The Governance Committee, Management, and various services and work areas are responsible for carrying out activities and projects related to the environment. These may include waste management, environmental education, conservation of natural spaces, promotion of renewable energies, among others.
Areas of Influence
Adapted Work Plans
The management model for Solid Urban Waste (RD) in Castilla-La Mancha (CLM) has been defined in various specific management plans developed since 1999, in response to the characteristics of population distribution in the region. The system opts for grouped solutions for waste management services to allow for cost redistribution.
In this way, the Autonomous Community is divided, for this type of waste, into eight Waste Management Areas (AGES). Each of them groups together a set of municipalities that share a common system for the final treatment of their waste: the CTRU, which includes a sorting plant, composting facility, and, if necessary, a final landfill for the rejection from selective processes.
Nearby municipalities bring their waste to Transfer Stations. These are facilities where waste is stored in much larger containers, which, after compaction, are transported to the treatment center. They serve as a temporary transportation element between municipal collection services and CTRUs.
The Waste Management Areas (AGES) are further subdivided into UNIONS, which are formed by the grouping of municipalities whose waste collection converges at a Transfer Station (ET).
In this way, waste treatment operations are located in the CTRUs, created for this purpose and managed by consortia or associations of public administrations (AAPP), allowing for precise control of their activity.
We can help you?
“If I recycle and you recycle, they will recycle.”

- info@conpromed.es
- (+34) 967 595 300
- Calle Isaac Peral nº 11, 3º, 02001 Albacete
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