Environmental education

Environmental education

Environmental education is an educational process that aims to raise awareness, inform, and sensitize people about the environmental problems and challenges we face on our planet. It also aims to encourage responsible attitudes and behaviors towards the environment.

Environmental education seeks to promote active participation in addressing environmental issues, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and informed decision-making. It is conducted in various contexts, including schools, universities, communities, environmental education centers, and outreach programs.

Educación ambiental. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete


Promotes knowledge of the basic principles for responsible consumption.


Raise awareness about the proper management procedure for Urban Waste in the province.


Raise awareness about the importance of adopting new habits that reduce the amount of waste we generate and extend the lifecycle of items.


Promote the proper use of selective collection containers located in public areas.


Increase the participation of the population in selective waste collection.


Raise awareness about the basic aspects of Agenda 2030, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the concept of Circular Economy.


Below, you can see photos of some of our facilities for environmental training.

Awareness-raising activities

Collaboration agreement with Ecoembes
Budget: €80,000 per year.

Charlas en centros de formación educación primaria y secundaria. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete
Training talks

Face-to-face or virtual training talks delivered at primary and secondary education centers in the province of Albacete.

  • Number: 365
  • Participants: 8561
  • Municipalities: 62
Teatro en centros de educación. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete
Children's theater plays

Children’s theater plays at centers in the province of Albacete.

  • Number: 98
  • Participants: 4900
  • Municipalities: 69
Campaña Ecoembes, recicla más y mejor. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete
Selective collection awareness campaigns

Selective collection awareness campaigns in the media of the province of Albacete.

Management Contract for CTRU
Budget: €40,000 per year

Contribution of environmental monitor:

Contribution of environmental monitor:: €40,000 per year

Information and awareness campaign
Budget: €15,000 per year

Selective collection of organic waste.

Information and awareness campaign for the implementation of selective collection of organic waste (Biowaste) in populations of the province of Albacete (Year 2022)

(FEDER CLM 2016-20 funds; 80%)

EE Program

Albacete Environmental Education Program

The program is aimed at both schools and other groups (family groups, associations, and/or organized groups), encompassing all levels of society that wish to participate.

It is developed in 3 reference programs:

1. Center Program: developed at the facilities of the Provincial Center for Environmental Education of Albacete.
2. Classroom Program: developed in the schools themselves.
3. Nature Program: developed in natural spaces in the province.”

Educación ambiental. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete
Center Program

The Center program aims to promote and enhance the facilities and equipment for Environmental Education currently available to the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government, including its own centers within the Network of Environmental Education Facilities of Castilla-La Mancha.

The activities target both school audiences (preschool, primary education, compulsory secondary education, high school, vocational training, and special education) and family audiences.

Classroom Program

The Classroom program aims to provide a range of activities that facilitate the incorporation of the environmental perspective in educational centers as a cross-cutting subject.

The framework for the proposed activities revolves around the four priority thematic axes established in the Environmental Education Strategy of Castilla-La Mancha, Horizon 2030:

1. Climate change
2. Reduction of the risk of natural disasters
3. Biodiversity
4. Sustainable consumption and production

Nature Program

The Natura program’s main objective is to promote knowledge and environmental awareness in the conservation of nature, biodiversity, and climate change through activities and uses in the natural environment of the province of Toledo.

It involves carrying out activities in the natural environment aimed at enjoying the surroundings and promoting attitudes favorable to its preservation, even offering a family leisure alternative, all from a participatory methodology.


We can help you?

“If I recycle and you recycle, they will recycle.”

Isotipo. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete




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Recycle all your waste to protect your environment