
The Urban Waste Treatment Center of Albacete (hereinafter CTRU de Albacete), owned by the PROVINCIAL CONSORTIUM FOR THE ENVIRONMENT OF ALBACETE, is currently managed and operated by the company PREZERO, S.A. through the Concession Contract for the management and operation of the Urban Waste Treatment Center of Albacete, since April 1, 2021.

The facilities of CTRU de Albacete, located in Cañada Real del Villar de Pozo Rubio (Ctra. CM-332 km 5) in Albacete, consist of a set of warehouses where the process of treating urban waste is carried out, as well as the treatment of waste from the selective collection of packaging (EELL) and organic matter, within the municipalities of the Provincial Consortium for the Environment of Albacete and Management Areas No. 1 and No. 2, as well as 23 municipalities in the southern province of Cuenca.

ODS. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete

Solar panels

Solar panels

On the roofs of the buildings of the Treatment Center, it is intended to install solar panels for photovoltaic self-consumption to provide service to the existing facilities.

For the adaptation of the same to the intended activity, it is necessary to draft a Technical Project, after collecting data at the location where the intervention will take place.

The technical project aims to define the necessary elements for the installation of photovoltaic solar panels for self-consumption, to complement the existing electrical supply that serves the facilities, providing it with the necessary installations. It also aims to adapt the existing ones by implementing the appropriate corrective measures to obtain facilities that comply with the current regulations applicable to them.

Programas para el ahorro de energía como la instalación de placas solares o Oficina de transformación comunitaria

The photovoltaic installation will be connected to a transformation center that allows adapting the voltage generated by the panels to the supply voltage of the existing electrical supply.

Currently, the existing electrical supply is carried out through a specific transformation center, whose installation is registered with the Delegation of Sustainable Development and the Industry and Energy Service of the province of Albacete.

Community Transformation Office (CTO)

Community Transformation Office

This project aims to implement a community transformation office that allows for the corresponding actions in dissemination, support, and advice for the establishment of Energy Communities. This initiative aims to promote new realities against climate change by encouraging the production and self-consumption of renewable energies and energy cost savings.

Regarding the main dissemination activities, it is proposed to establish and offer training courses and/or events, seminars, and/or workshops for the establishment and operation of energy communities. These activities are directed at the general public and other stakeholders potentially interested in them. There will also be a focus on disseminating the actions, projects, and results of energy communities to encourage extrapolation and implementation in other contexts.

Energía. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete

Regarding the main support and advisory actions, it is proposed to provide technical advisory services for the dynamization and empowerment of energy communities. This includes offering technical advice for the development of participatory processes in specific environments to assess the potential for developing projects to establish energy communities, with citizen participation and other stakeholders from interested social networks. If necessary, this involves facilitating the establishment, within their scope, of processes of information, debate, deliberation, and decision-making for potential participants.

Additionally, as part of the main advisory actions, as mentioned in the order, we would consider technical, administrative, economic, social, and/or legal consulting related to the execution of specific projects for the establishment and operation of energy communities.

The planet is like a crystal; if we don't clean it, it gets dirty


We can help you?

“If I recycle and you recycle, they will recycle.”

Isotipo. Consorcio Provincial de Medio Ambiente de Albacete




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Recycle all your waste to protect your environment